Virtual Reality (17)

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  • AI
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  • Year
    • 1916 - 1966
    • 1968 - 2018
    • 2019 - 2069
  • Duration
  • 4 min
  • Kinolab
  • 1982
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Artificial Intelligence as Servants to Humans

Flynn codes a digital avatar, Clu, in an attempt to hack into the mainframe of ENCOM. However, when Flynn fails to get Clu past the virtual, video-game-like defenses, Clu is captured and violently interrogated by a mysterious figure in the virtual world.

  • Kinolab
  • 1982
  • 15 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2017
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Online Dating Algorithms

In a world in which the program Coach determines the pairing and duration of romantic matches, Frank and Amy managed to be matched more than once and eventually fall in love after failed matches with other people. After Frank breaks a promise to Amy by checking the expiry date that is automatically assigned to all relationships, they temporarily break up. After a reunion, they set out to discover the truth of their reality and the meaning of their match.

  • Kinolab
  • 2017
  • 10 min
  • The New York Times
  • 2021
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Virtual Reality Aids in Exposure Therapy

This article tells the story of Chris Merkle, a former U.S Marine soldier who was able to work through former traumatic memories and PTSD using virtual realities similar to his lived experiences in war as a form of exposure therapy. As virtual reality sets become more affordable and commercialized, and as experts and universities develop more impressive virtual and augmented reality technologies, the opportunities for exposure therapy through VR technology become far more widespread, with the potential to help civilian disorders and traumas as well as those of veterans.

  • The New York Times
  • 2021
  • 12 min
  • Kinolab
  • 1973
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Simulated Humans and Virtual Realities

Simulacron is a virtual reality full of 10,000 simulated humans who believe themselves to be sentient, but are actually nothing more than programs. The identity units in Simulacron do not know or understand that they are artificial beings, and they behave under the idea that they are real humans. “Real” humans can enter this virtual reality through a brain-computer interface, and control the virtual identity units. Christopher Nobody, a suspect whom Fred is trying to track down, had the revelation that he was an identity unit, and that realization led to a mental breakdown. In following this case, Fred meets Einstein, a virtual unit who desires to join the real world. As Einstein enacts the final stages of this plan, Fred discovers a shocking secret about his own identity. For a similar concept, see the narrative “Online Dating Algorithms” on the Hang the DJ episode of Black Mirror. 

  • Kinolab
  • 1973
  • 3 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2020
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Real vs. Virtual Assistance

Nora works as an “angel” figure, or assistant, in the digital afterlife known as Lakeview. Her job is to help digitally immortal residents of this afterlife, such as Nathan, acclimate to their surroundings and their digital existences. However, Nora decides to take her breaks from work in the same virtual reality in which she operates during her job.

  • Kinolab
  • 2020
  • 10 min
  • Kinolab
  • 2020
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Virtual Afterlives and Adaptation

After dying in a car crash, computer programmer Nathan’s consciousness is uploaded into the  Lakeview program, one of many digital afterlives in which resurrected consciousnesses are guided through the virtual reality by a living “angel” figure. After Nathan struggles to adapt to his new reality, his angel figure, Nora, appears in the virtual reality to convince him to stay. However, Nora is having struggles of her own in convincing her father to accept the virtual afterlife in place of a supposed real heaven. For a similar premise, see the narrative “Afterlives and Liberation in Digital Utopias” on the San Junipero episode of Black Mirror. 

  • Kinolab
  • 2020
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