Documentary (4)
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- 6 min
- Vox
- 2020
Even virtual realities with unrealistic yet believable graphics are able to fool the brain’s sense of perception into believing that the digital environment still operates under the same rules as the real world. Connecting the technologies directly to one’s senses is more immersive than looking at a screen; although human brains have been able to process flat images for a long time, the direct sight connection to two screens with virtual reality makes perception a bit more muddled.
- Vox
- 2020
How Virtual Reality Tricks Your Brain
Even virtual realities with unrealistic yet believable graphics are able to fool the brain’s sense of perception into believing that the digital environment still operates under the same rules as the real world. Connecting the technologies directly to one’s senses is more immersive than looking at a screen; although human brains have been able to process flat images for a long time, the direct sight connection to two screens with virtual reality makes perception a bit more muddled.
Should virtual reality ever reach a point where it is indistinguishable from true reality in terms of graphic design or other sensory information? How could such technology be weaponized or abused? How accessible should the most immersive virtual reality technologies be to the general public?
- 12 min
- Wired
- 2018
This video offers a basic introduction to the use of machine learning in predictive policing, and how this disproportionately affects low income communities and communities of color.
- Wired
- 2018
How Cops Are Using Algorithms to Predict Crimes
This video offers a basic introduction to the use of machine learning in predictive policing, and how this disproportionately affects low income communities and communities of color.
Should algorithms ever be used in a context where human bias is already rampant, such as in police departments? Why is it that the use of digital technologies to accomplish tasks in this age makes a process seem more “efficient” or “objective”? What are the problems with police using algorithms of which they do not fully understand the inner workings? Is the use of predictive policing algorithms ever justifiable?
- 5 min
- Big Think
This video, narrated by science fiction author Ken MacLeod, explains how the cultural critiques presented in science fiction can be helpful in guiding inventors through how they might invent ethically, and what the primary societal concerns of a certain invention would be. Uses the example of robots as representative of labor issues to make the case that while science fiction plays a role in inspiring inventors and engineers, it should also lead them to question how technologies can be deployed ethically in different societal contexts.
- Big Think
How sci-fi helps humanity avoid species-level mistakes
This video, narrated by science fiction author Ken MacLeod, explains how the cultural critiques presented in science fiction can be helpful in guiding inventors through how they might invent ethically, and what the primary societal concerns of a certain invention would be. Uses the example of robots as representative of labor issues to make the case that while science fiction plays a role in inspiring inventors and engineers, it should also lead them to question how technologies can be deployed ethically in different societal contexts.
What steps need to be taken for science fiction to be taken more seriously as a predictor of technologies or a propædeutic to ethics? What narratives from this “age of singularity” could you point to as particularly prescient or useful for discussing ethical concerns?
- 33 min
- Scientific American
- 2020
In conjunction with Scientific American, this thirty minute documentary brings the film In Event of Moon Disaster to a group of experts on AI, digital privacy, law, and human rights to gauge their reaction on the film, and to provide context on this new technology—its perils, its potential, and the possibilities of this brave, new digital world, where every pixel that moves past our collective eyes is potentially up for grabs.
- Scientific American
- 2020
To Make a DeepFake
In conjunction with Scientific American, this thirty minute documentary brings the film In Event of Moon Disaster to a group of experts on AI, digital privacy, law, and human rights to gauge their reaction on the film, and to provide context on this new technology—its perils, its potential, and the possibilities of this brave, new digital world, where every pixel that moves past our collective eyes is potentially up for grabs.
- What are some of the new dangers this technology brings that are different from other forms of media disinformation in the past?